GPL License

Wallet Solutions is 100% legal. All plugins are released under the GPL (General Public License).
You are free to use them as often and on as many websites as you like.

License keys

We do not provide, rent, share or resell license keys.
All products offered on this website are licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL).
You do not need license keys for your projects, no matter how many products you use.
License keys are only required if you want to receive automatic updates and support from the author of a plugin.

Is the purchase and download of the files legal?

Yes, all plugins, add-ons and extensions distributed through our website are 100% open source and subject to the GNU GPL.

On how many websites can I use the plugin or add-on?

On as many as you want. The plugins are GPL licensed and you can use them as many times as you need and on as many websites as you want.

Are there regular updates for the products offered?

Yes. We regularly check for updates and then maintain them on our pages.